To learn more about air pollution, climate and health, explore the following links:
Statistics on Air Pollution
Poor air quality is bad for our health, planet and economies. Here are some statistics and facts about air pollution to help make the case for clean air.
Resources need to be invested for the analysis and communication of data.
Air Pollution Myths and Facts
Explore common myths and facts related to air pollution.
Climate and Air Pollution
Both air pollution and climate change are mainly caused by burning fossil fuels-and many solutions are the same. Cleaning our air is one of the most immediate ways to protect the planet.
A Call to Action: Air Pollution in Early Childhood
Learn about why air pollution is particularly harmful in the early years.
Clean Air is Everyone’s Business
This publication explore how tackling air pollution has benefits for five global issues: climate, public health, childhood development, social justice, and cities and mobility.
Accelerating City Progress on Clean Air: Innovation and Action Guide
This guide fast-tracks proven approaches and innovations for rapid air quality improvements. It is created for government officials, their partners and other stakeholders developing clean air programs for cities and other urban areas in low- and middle-income countries.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2023
A global analysis of the funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution, revealing that only 1% of international development funding went to clean air projects.
From Pollution to Solution in Africa’s Cities
This report looks at the potential benefits of tackling air pollution and climate change together in four cities: Cairo, Lagos, Johannesburg, and Accra.
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